DSM Seminar @ Awana Genting
February 08, 2012
Alhamdulillah, I have attended my first Diamond Seminar under B32 Group at Awana, Genting on February 4th-5th.
All participants are among the future leaders, the upcoming
CDM 2012!
I feel so lucky to attend the seminar together with my partner, Mursyida
I feel so honored to be chosen by our mentors..CDM Chan & CDM Siti Rohana,
as one of the testimonial! ;)
We arrived at Awana, Genting around 11.30am to register our names, and getting ready for the seminar.
The 1st SLOT..was a great opening by CDM Siti Rohana.
For this slot, she was highlighting on the business direction, goals and dreams. In order to achieve everything, we have to prepare our self to be a great leader.
"How to become a great leader?"
"What does it takes to be a great leader?"
..segalanya bermula dari asas yang kukuh, sikap dalam diri kita dulu, kerana kita yang menentukan hala tuju kumpulan..
Kak Ana juga berulang ulang kali mengingatkan kata2 ni:
" Buat benda betul, buat sekali, pastikan jadi, dan masa tak banyak terbuang "
Before moving on to 2nd slot by CDM Azlini, for the topic on time management..we had a tea break~
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Me + Bakal DDM Mursyida + DDM Aliah |
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gossiping or discussing ? huhu..moncong2 mulot tuh ;) --credit to Shaliza for the picture! |
After the 2nd slot, all 140 participants checked in to our rooms..
A large and cozy room..for me and hubby! ;)
After freshened up and Maghrib Prayer,
we went down to Rajawali cafe, for our dinner buffet..
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Sambil makan, sempat lagi business discussion with partner ;) hehe.. |
Before every slots,
semua strecthing up dulu..nyanyi2, and nari2..
memang happy2 jer la..best!
For that night, we had our 3rd slot..presented by CDM Suhaili. The topic was focusing on leadership duplication and how to guide a team.
As a leader, sometimes we have to know when to play our role as a motivator, coach, enforcer, and parents.
After the slot,
we had another heavy supper and group photo session!
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This is the full view of all future leaders with AJK for this seminar --credit to shaliza for the picture again ;) |
Some of the leaders from CDM Hanis Haizi's group..yang tak reti2 nak naik bilik lagi after habis slot for that night~
Later..some of us went out to mamak..sambil minum2, and o-group with our beloved mentors..ambik angin malam yang sejuk~
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At mamak..until 2am..memang mata segar bugar lagi semua, semangat2 |
On 2nd day at Awana,
bangun pagi2..memang Naa dah tak senang duduk, nervous, butterflies~~
Because i have to prepare myself as one of the testimonial after all 4 slots.
To be honest, I am not a public speaker, I have no talent at all.. memang sgt2 tak confident.
BUT..after Hanis bagitau, Naa terpilih untuk jadi testimonial usahawan pada seminar ni, I have prepared myself to try my best, and Naa taknak kecewakan harapan dan peluang yang CDM Kak Ana, CDM Chan dah bagi.
Bukan senang2, untuk terpilih..and ada 3 orang yang bertuah untuk bagi testimonial pada haritu.
After the 4th slot, presented by CDM Kak Ina.. we had another tea break before my turn.
It's time to take a deep breath~ pose dulu...
During tea break tuh jugak,
Naa dah siap2 prepare apa yang nak cakap in front of 140 people..and all of them are the upcoming great leaders!
While, calming myself down..CDM Chan and CDM Raz came to me. They really helped me a lot to calm me down and cheered me up! ;)
Last tips and advices from CDM Raz:
"i know you can..just believe in yourself, there must be a reason that you have been chosen. Hanis dulu pon bermula dari takut dan tak biasa..but when the right time came, she stood out and did it really well. In order to give a well speech, mulakan dengan pembuka salam yang loud and clear..SEMANGAT!"
And finally..I DID IT !!!
Tanpa sedar, Naa mulakan dengan salam yang loud and clear to everyone,
"Apa khabar DDM?!!! "
they answered with.. "AUMMMMM..."
(not only once, but twice!)
..owh, what a nice feeling after i finally delivered my first short speech.
I was the first one to be called by CDM Kak Ana to give a testimonial. Right after handing over the microphone to CDM Kak Ana, unexpectedly..my speech dah berjaya menyentuh hati Kak Ana,
"Terima kasih banyak DDM Naa yer. Rasa bersemangat Kak Ana dengar..terkejut dengan kata2 dari Naa.Ya Allah...rasa segala usaha, susah payah Kak Ana buat semua ni..nampak hasilnya...."
~dan masa tu, mengalir air mata Kak Ana..sampaikan suasana yang penuh semangat tadi jadi suram dengan tangisan kebanggaan yang Kak Ana tunjukkan~
YUP..i never thought that i can deliver a speech like that. ALHAMDULILLAH..i made it and InsyaAllah, Naa akan pegang nasihat dan kata2 Kak Ana untuk teruskan usaha, perjuangan sampai bila2..
Soon after that, terus dapat special SMS from Hanis & Raz..and also CDM Abang Lan,
congratulating me.
Memang tak tau nak gambarkan dah apa perasaan masa time tuh..
Happy, excited, terharu, gemuruh pon ada lagi, and rasa berkobar kobar nak buat lagi baik after this..INSYAALLAH!
Before semua bergerak balik,
another photo sessions.. with committees and testimonials,
with CDM Hanis Haizi's group,
with CDM Hanis Haizi and my partner syida,
last but not least,
with beloved hubby of course!!!
Mr Ashraf & Mr Razali..
memang tersangat banyak sgt ilmu yang dicurahkan sepanjang 2 hari seminar.
Semoga kami semua dapat memanfaatkan sebaik mungkin ilmu yang dapat, dan sama2 perbaiki diri, perkuatkan lagi kumpulan.. untuk sama2 berjaya mencapai impian dan matlamat!
Thank you so much Kak Ana, Abang Lan, CDM Chan, Madam, Hanis, Raz and all Beautiful Circles partners!
Special thanks to beloved hubby too..yang banyak bagi support and perkuatkan diri Naa selama ni, the hard way ;P
(yes..my hubby bukan jenis ayat2 positif tau die bagi..tapi ayat2 lebih kepada cabar Naa untuk buat lagi baik, and I have to prove it!)
So, thanks to him..for making me even stronger now.
Memang betul la, when you finally found the right path for you..
it will change you, 360 degrees!
Premium Beautiful has bring out the best in me.
Are you ready to make your first step now and achieve the same?
I'll be glad to share my experience..and guide you too
i'm pround with u knaa.. hope i will be like u one day.. bersyukur dpt jd ank buah knaa.. alhamdulillah.. ;)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Naa! Naa berjaya lakukan yg terbaik.Doakan ain akan berjaya mcm Naa jugak one day!
ReplyDeleteGood entry! Best baca... And acap dah pandai capture moments and pictures! Awesomeness!
ReplyDeleteAin, thank you dear!! Alhamdulillah..Naa just cuba buat yang terbaik bila dah diberi peluang..and Alhamdulillah :) Ain pon akan jadi lebih hebat one day. just follow every steps cay dear
ReplyDeleteRaz, thank you!!!~ and yup, acap makin improve ambik gambar dah.getting ready for the next trip nanti to vietnam, holland, belgium, guangzhou..n many more!!!~ ;)